As of 3/16/15 we we have closed enrollment for the Advisor program.x

flansburgLet me introduce myself: My name is Matt Flansburg. I am the Director of Product Development here at InkSoft. My role is simple: Continuously improve InkSoft.

We have a very exciting and ambitious 2015 product development agenda.

One of my initiates this year is to more actively work with our users to leverage feedback and ideas. After all, it’s your ideas that have made InkSoft the product it is today.

I’ve created a new and special program called ‘InkSoft Advisor’. This group of “˜power users’ will work directly with me on a regular basis to review the details of new development initiatives. The goal is to get your feedback in the early stages of the development process.

If you like what we’ve done in 2014, get ready for a truly amazing 2015!

Have ideas on how to improve InkSoft? Email me to share your feedback and ideas.