We want to come together as a screen printing community, so we’re starting National Screen Printing Day a little early. In fact, we’re making a whole MONTH out of it!
Here’s one way we want to celebrate with you:
We commissioned this sweet new custom graphic called “˜Print or Die.’ This is our new battle cry: a tribal badge/community identifier that rallies print entrepreneurs from all over. In celebration of National Screen Printing Day (month!), we are giving this illustration to you under a Creative Commons license.

You can download the ‘Print or Die’ graphic here.
Now here’s the fun part. A contest!
We want to see your most creative way of showcasing this artwork! It could be a trendy decoration technique, a unique new product you have decorated, a dramatic display of the image on a wall, etc. The key will be to create something of a crowd pleaser, as the winner will be determined by community votes.
The winner will get a $500 credit from our sponsor, Allmade Apparel!
So get your creative juices flowing and submit a photo of your creation on Instagram. Valid entries need to tag @inksoft, @allmadeapparel, and the hashtag #printordiecontest
At the end of May (er…Screen Printing Month 😀) , several finalists will be selected. We will then invite voters to go to the InkSoft blog and vote for their favorites.
The winner will be announced on social media and receive their prize.

Print or Die by InkSoft is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://bit.ly/printordie.