For your next fundraising campaign, go shirtless.

Okay, not actually shirtless. But switching out the standard T-shirt for a more creative product can greatly enhance your fundraising efforts. That’s what one team did when they used an InkSoft online store to raise over $34,000 (and growing) using just wristbands.

Fundraising beyond T-shirts

T-shirts are the go-to fundraising tool for causes across the world. And it makes sense””many people like to show their support with the clothes they wear. But sometimes, a T-shirt is simply too much of an investment. Not everyone feels compelled to spend $20 or more on clothing that they might not wear for more than a few days.

That’s why smaller and less popular fundraising products such as wristbands can offer such a huge advantage. A few dollars is an easy investment on the donor’s part, and the donor still gets to show their support with a wearable item.

You might think that you’d never raise enough funds with a lower-priced product, but at least in this case, the opposite is true. Not only is someone more likely to buy a wristband because of the low price, but they’re also more willing to share the fundraising link with their friends. It’s far easier to encourage a friend to spend a few dollars on a wristband than to invest $20 on a T-shirt.

Do T-shirts have their place? Absolutely. We adore T-shirts and have seen amazing results from fundraising campaigns that use them well. But sometimes, a product as simple as a wristband can change the way news spreads and generate even more support than you originally hoped for.

Take your fundraising campaigns to the next level with InkSoft

Are you struggling to help your customers hit their fundraising goals? Get them set up with a custom online store that’s branded to their cause. Learn more.