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Stop guessing and know your true labor costs! Use InkSoft's free Labor Rate Calculator to get started today!

Stop guessing and know your true labor costs! Use InkSoft's free Labor Rate Calculator to get started today!


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The Secret to Writing an Effective Business Plan

Do you have a business plan for your shop? Sadly, many don’t. That’s ok. This article will guide you through the reasons why you should create one, and how to… read more →

Why Keeping Score Will Win The Decorated Apparel Game

In sports, keeping score is the standard way of measuring success. Fans have always had incredibly heated debates regarding which team is better. (Not that I have ever participated in… read more →

Why Do You Wear 6 Hats? Understanding the Value of Time


Time. There is only so much of it. In the daily struggle to get everything handled, how you manage your time is incredibly important. Here is a question for you: why… read more →

How to Improve Company Culture at Your Shop and Solve the Sales vs. Production Tug of War


In your shop is there a “Sales vs Production” battle going on constantly? This is a common occurrence in company culture. You’ve heard these arguments: “Nothing happens until the sale… read more →

Formalizing Your Sales Process: The Key to Growth

Formalizing the Sales Process: Your Key to Growth

“How do you formalize your sales process?” This was a question on one of the decorated apparel Facebook groups recently. Bingo! What a great topic for a blog article. I’m… read more →

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