Stop guessing and know your true labor costs! Use InkSoft's free Labor Rate Calculator to get started today!

Stop guessing and know your true labor costs! Use InkSoft's free Labor Rate Calculator to get started today!

Stop guessing and know your true labor costs! Use InkSoft's free Labor Rate Calculator to get started today!


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Color Scheme Designer 3: Free web color tool

This has to be one of my favorite color design resources. As my wife often reminds me: I am horrible when it comes to matching colors; which is apparently reflected… read more →

Icon Generator Pro: Free widget for Creating Custom Icons for InkSoft

The ability to create custom icons for display as an ad, in any InkSoft web store ,or store front has obvious marketing benefits. Lets take a look: -Discounts- Create on-demand… read more →

colorPicker: Free web color tool

ColorPicker is a free widget-like AIR application that lets you either choose a “web-safe” color from a color grid or design a color using sliders to adjust the red, green,… read more →

Free Social Media Icons

Anytime we find freebies for our user you can be sure that we will share. Download these free social media icons to use in InkSoft web store ad buttons or… read more →

Free Social Media Icon Pack

We thought these might come in handy. You can use these to craft your very own social media ‘ads’ to display in your web storefront. Heck, you might even use… read more →

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