Adding PayPal Express Checkout as a payment option can significantly help boost shopping cart conversion. Why you might ask?

  • PayPal is has more than 162 million active users.
  • Incredibly easy for shoppers to become buyers with a fast, secure checkout experience.
  • Improved conversion: fewer abandoned carts: PayPal customers are 2X more likely to complete a purchase.*
  • More customers, more sales: Businesses that use PayPal see up to a 27% increase in total customers and up to a 15% increase in spending.*

*Nielsen Online Buyer Insights, 52 weeks pre-/post-PayPal integration.

Not familiar with PayPal Express Checkout? A PayPal account enables a consumer to click a “check out with PayPal” button at the start of the checkout process. This action directs the consumer to a secured PayPal site where they will be prompted to sign in with their PayPal user name and password. PayPal then communicates stored shipping, billing and payment information to the e-retailer. Transactions can be made using funds held in the PayPal digital wallet, or with a credit card or bank account stored in the consumer’s PayPal account. After successfully transacting, PayPal will redirect the consumer back the the e-retailer’s site for completion of the checkout process.

The three examples below (collected in InkSoft cart feedback system) clearly illustrate that consumers want PayPal as an option. The consequences of not providing what consumers want? Missed opportunity and abandoned shopping carts.

From my experience, too many businesses fail to embrace PayPal as a payment option. The reality is more than 162 million consumers trust and use PayPal.

InkSoft allows for both PayPal Express Checkout and PayPal Pro. Want help adding PayPal Express Checkout? The InkSoft Support team can help! Give us a call at 800-410-3048 Ext. 1 today.