Do you like new leads? New clients? Making money? Then you better start liking Twitter, Facebook and social media. We thought we’d share this excellent article on how small business can benefit (and deploy) social media effectively. Since InkSoft has social media integration you have the tools…now just time to put into action.

Do you wonder if you have what it takes to compete in the social media marketplace? Who, after all, has the time or the budget to mimic Disney or Starbucks? Certainly not a small business!

Well, maybe that’s the wrong set of questions.

In fact, the 2011 Social Media Marketing Industry Report has some good news for small business marketers. Small business owners are seeing the greatest results from social media marketing.

Michael Stelzner authored the third-annual industry study in which he surveyed 3342 marketers, 47% of whom were either self-employed or small business owners. This group reports some amazing results from social media marketing. Let me show you what they found…

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Small Businesses Benefit Most From Social Media, Study Reveals | Social Media Examiner: