Say goodbye to paper-based order forms!
InkSoft’s newest innovation replaces the old school ‘paper-based’ order form with an online ordering experience. The result? A simple, elegant and highly effective way to run and manage your bread-and-butter selling programs.
Key benefits
- Easy to distribute and promote via email and social media promotion
- Accelerate cash flow by collect money upfront
- Social sharing feature
- Process and manage orders in bulk
- Convenient
- Simple to use
- Competitive distinction and differentiator
InkSoft Online Ordering Solution
- Logo / store name: Here you can display a logo or text based store name.
- Social media sharing feature: Allows for social media promotion / sharing of the online ordering store.
- Login / Sign Up feature: Allows shoppers to login to an existing account, or allows for the creation of a new account.
- Optional order timeline / countdown: Allows you to establish a date for the ordering period.
- Optional title and description: A great way to add some messaging about the ordering process or store. Perfect for instructions!
- Product: Displays product image(s), name, description and has a color, quantity and size selector. NOTE: Item total displays in real time!
- Subtotal: Real time display of ALL items totals.
- Checkout button: Allows shopper to checkout — see next step for more insight into the express checkout process.
- Footer: Displays terms, contact information and optionally social media icons / links.

- Express Checkout: allows for the quickest and easiest checkout / online payment
- Order Summary: summary of items, quantities, sizes and subtotal in one view.

Order Confirmation Page
- Order acknowledgement: Thank you message and confirmation with the ability to print a receipt.
- Order detail summary: Displays order details

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