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Box stuffers are low cost promotional items placed in packages destined for a customer. This strategy is nothing new. Many retailers add coupons, catalogs, stickers, flyers and brochures to outgoing packages. Consider going beyond the traditional and add box stuffers that make a bigger marketing impact and have a longer life.

Why box stuffers work

  • No extra ‘delivery costs’. The package is already en route to the customer.
  • Low cost. High impact.
  • Repeated brand exposure.
  • Top of mind awareness creation.

Box stuffer ideas

There are endless, low cost branded promotional items that make effective box stuffers. You might even consider a mix of box stuffers to complement your customer segments.

Example: Office essential product like notepads, sticky notes, USB drives might make a bigger impact on your business oriented customers. Frisbees and koozies might be a better box stuffers for your sports customers.

Our friends at Bullet offer an excellent range of branded promotional box stuffer items.

Pro Tip: You might even consider printing a cool graphic t-shirt as a box stuffer item. This will allow you to showcase your printing capabilities all while converting your customers into ‘walking billboards’.

Low cost box stuffer ideas

  • Mouspads
  • Sticky notes
  • Pens
  • Notebooks
  • Koozies
  • Sunglass
  • Magnets

Cost example: Single color koozie @ .45 cents each x 300 units = $135 + $55 set-up fee = .63 cents per koozie for a total cost of $190.


Box stuffers are a low cost and simple way to promote your brand and services. An InkSoft user once said, “The easiest customer to sell to is the one you already have.” Box stuffers alway you to stay top of mind with your existing customers. If you aren’t already using box stuffers consider using the month of April to test and experiment.